کتێبی بیرەوەرییەکانی کاپیتان موحەمەد مەولودییان بە دەنگ گوێی لێبگرە (کوردبوون)

ده‌سه‌ڵاتی بنه‌ماڵه‌ پاش فه‌زیحه‌ی DNO به‌ته‌واوی شڵه‌ژاون! ، ئاشتی هه‌ورامیش له‌ کوردستان نه‌ماوه‌و رایکردووه‌.

Wednesday, 23/09/2009, 12:00

پاش بڵاوبوونه‌وه‌ی راستییه‌کانی ده‌ست تێکه‌ڵکردنی بنه‌ماڵه‌ی مه‌سعود له‌ کرینی پشکی کۆمپانیای نه‌وتی DNO ، که‌ بۆرسه‌ی ئۆسلۆ ئه‌و تاڵانییه‌ی ئاشکراکرد ، ده‌سه‌ڵاتی بنه‌ماڵه‌ی تاڵانجی مه‌سعود له‌ رێگای داروده‌سته‌کانیان سه‌ریان لێشێواوه‌ و نازانن چۆن جاره‌سه‌ری ئه‌و فه‌زیحه‌ گه‌وره‌یه‌ بکه‌ن که‌ هه‌موو جیهان لیی ئاگاداره‌.
هه‌ر بۆ نموونه‌ ، له‌ بینینی مالیکی و مه‌سعود که‌ پێش مانگیک ده‌بێت بریاردرا لێژنه‌ی به‌ په‌له‌ پێکبهێنرێت بۆ چاره‌سه‌رکردنی کیشه‌ هه‌لپه‌سێردراوه‌کان ، ئه‌وێ رۆژی ده‌زگاکانی ره‌شی راگه‌یاندنی هه‌ردوو بنه‌ماڵه‌ی مافیا پاش شکسته‌کانیان له‌ هه‌لبژاردن ئه‌وه‌یان کرده‌ خاڵی به‌هێز و ده‌ستکه‌وتێکی گه‌وره‌ ، دوێنێ کۆیله‌ فوئاد حوسه‌ین که‌ به‌ناو سه‌رۆکی دیوان هه‌رێمه‌ ووتی: ووتوێژه‌کانمان له‌ رێگای لێژنه‌کان ده‌که‌وێته‌ دوای هه‌ڵبژاردنه‌کانی عێراق که‌ دوای سێ مانگ زیاتر ئه‌نجام ده‌درێت ، ئه‌مه‌ ئه‌و راستییه‌ ده‌گه‌یه‌نێت که‌ ده‌سه‌ڵاتی مافیا نایه‌ویت مه‌سه‌له‌ی گاز و نه‌وت پاش ئه‌و فه‌زیحه‌یه‌ له‌ گه‌ل حکومه‌تی ناوه‌ند تاوتوێ بکات ، دیسان پرسی که‌رکوک به‌ قوربانی دزینی نه‌وت وگازی هه‌ردوو بنه‌ماڵه‌ بۆوه‌!. ئه‌گینا ده‌سه‌ڵاتی هه‌ردوو بنه‌ماڵه‌ زۆر به‌په‌له‌بوون له‌ یه‌کلاکردنه‌وه‌ی کێشه‌کان بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی ببێ به‌خاڵی به‌هێزیان له‌به‌رده‌م خه‌لکی کوردستان تا ده‌نگیان له‌ هه‌ڵبژاردنه‌کانی دادێ پیبده‌ن. وازهێنان له‌م پرسه‌ دیاره‌ زۆر به‌ گران ده‌وه‌ستێت ئه‌وه‌نده‌ی دیکه‌ لای خه‌ڵکی ریسواده‌بن ، ئه‌گه‌ر ناچار نه‌بونایه‌ کۆبوونه‌وه‌کان یا یه‌کلاکردنه‌وه‌ی کێشه‌کانیان دوانه‌ده‌خست.
نموونه‌ی دیکه‌ی شله‌ژاوی ده‌سه‌لات دیاره‌ خۆی له‌وه‌ ده‌بینێته‌وه‌ که‌ کۆیله‌ خالید سالح له‌ به‌یاننامه‌یه‌کدا بۆ پاساوهێنانه‌وه‌ی فه‌زیحه‌که‌ ووتی: ئێمه‌ هاوکاری کۆمپانیای DNO ده‌که‌ین و کردوومانه‌ له‌ پێناو به‌رژه‌وه‌ندی خه‌ڵکی کوردستان ، به‌ڵام بۆ به‌یانییه‌که‌ی ئاشتی هه‌ورامی له‌ به‌یاننامه‌یه‌کی دیکه‌دا ووتی : بڕیارماندا کاره‌کانی DNO رابگرین و نه‌هێڵن ئیش بکه‌ن. لێره‌دا بۆ خه‌لکی کوردستان و دنیا به‌دیارده‌که‌وێت که‌ ده‌سه‌ڵاتی مافیا و گه‌نده‌ل چه‌نده‌ سه‌ریان لیشێواوه‌ و نازانن چۆن چاره‌سه‌ری ئه‌و فه‌زیحه‌یه‌ بکه‌ن و له‌ رای گشتی بشارنه‌وه‌.
حاڵی حازر هه‌موو میدیاکانی جیهان باس له‌ سه‌فه‌ر و راکردنی ئاشتی هه‌ورامی ده‌که‌ن ، ته‌نها راگه‌یاندنه‌کانی هه‌ردوو بنه‌ماڵه‌یه‌ نازانن بۆ کوێ سه‌فه‌ری کردووه‌ و یا رایکردووه‌.
بۆ خوێندنه‌وه‌ی زیاتر فه‌رموون کلیک له‌سه‌ر ئه‌م لینکه‌ بکه‌:
بۆ خوێندنه‌وه‌ی وتاره‌که‌ وا له‌خواره‌وه‌ دامانناوه‌ته‌وه‌ و  گرنگترین په‌ره‌گرافیشی به‌ سوور ره‌نگمان کردووه‌:
LONDON--The future of Norwegian oil explorer DNO International ASA (DNO.OS), a key player in northern Iraq's fast-growing Kurdish oil region, has been thrown into question after details surfaced in recent days of a DNO money-raising effort last October that has embarrassed the Kurdish government.

Incensed by the matter, the autonomous government late Monday suspended DNO's operations for up to six weeks and said it could terminate the company's involvement in Kurdistan if it doesn't take sufficient action to undo the "unjustifiable and incalculable harm" to the government's reputation.

The government, which makes decisions on a range of matters independent of the Iraqi government, has enjoyed a clean image in its dealings with foreign investors in recent years and has signed many deals with oil companies.

But that reputation has taken a hit by revelations the government helped DNO, whose operations are focused mainly in Kurdistan, with the sale of treasury shares so DNO could raise enough money to fund its operations in the region.

While nothing is believed to be illegal in providing such assistance, the government's help fed speculation that Kurdish officials may have somehow financially benefited, which the government has denied.

Fearing its stock price would get hammered by the government's announcement, DNO asked the Oslo Stock Exchange to suspend trade in its shares. DNO shares are expected to resume trading Thursday morning. The company in past weeks has been producing around 40,000-50,000 barrels a day of crude in Kurdistan, accounting for roughly half of the region's production.

Marius Gaard, an analyst at Carnegie, an Oslo-based brokerage, estimates about 85% of DNO's stock value is related to its Kurdistan operations, meaning shareholders would stand to potentially lose a chunk of money if the company's work in the region were canceled. Gaard has given DNO's stock a "neutral" rating for months.

Evolution Securities, a London-based investment bank, said in a research note that it believed there would be a "perception of increased" risk to oil and gas drilling licenses in Kurdistan.

DNO's predicament started in recent days when the Oslo Stock Exchange published information on last October's sale of DNO treasury shares. DNO said it strongly objected to the exchange's decision - prompted by a freedom of information request from a Norwegian newspaper - adding it may take legal action.

DNO scrambled Tuesday for a response to the situation. "Our main priority is now to seek dialogue with the KRG as soon as possible and try to bring clarity to the situation and what is needed to find a solution," said DNO Chief Executive Helge Eide.

Tor Arne Olsen, an exchange spokesman, said the bourse stood by its decision to release the information, most of which came from confidential conversations between the company and the bourse. "We still think we took the right decision in releasing that information," the spokesman said.

Analysts said it was unusual for governments to act as a mediator in a fund-raising exercise for a private company. "It is not at all commonplace for governments to assist companies in stock sales," said Valerie Marcel, an associate fellow at Chatham House, a U.K. think tank.

Khaled Salih, a senior advisor to the Kurdish government's prime minister, said the government decided to assist DNO in the capital-raising process in order to help the company complete its work in preparation for exporting crude. "We did not want DNO to delay because of their cash needs," Salih said.

But the issue could aggravate already stormy relations with Baghdad. Iraq's oil ministry has longed objected to oil deals the Kurds signed with foreign oil companies. Iraq's deputy oil minister for exploration, Abdul Kareem Leaby, said he expected the government to address the DNO share sale issue later this week after the Muslim Eid holiday ends and government work resumes.

-By Spencer Swartz, +44 207 842 9357; [email protected]

(Elizabeth Adams in London and Hassan Hafidh in Amman, Jordan contributed to this article.)

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