نامه‌یه‌کی کراوه‌ بۆ ئۆباما

Monday, 29/08/2011, 12:00

An open letter From Professor. Dr. Yasin Sardashti to Mr. Barack Obama the president of the USA

Mr. president...
You May be know what are the meaning of terms such as "ethnocide" and " low-intensity warfare", If no, you can take the details from your advisers or from any political dictionaries or historical books, I am sure you will find it easily, because these terms are your ancestors inventions, those who were perpetrated the most horrible mass killing inside and outside the USA, witch are a black spot in your history. Inside, we can pay attentions to the destruction of American natives peoples such as the Choctaw, the Seneca, and the Cherokee, and outside In the Philippines, when the United States replaced Spain as the colonial power in 1898, there was a vigorous independence movement led by Emilio Aguinaldo. After that, these methods were developed when President John F. Kennedy ordered a vigorous, multilevel response to the revolutionary threats in Third World countries like Cuba In 1966, US Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara saw "limited war" as a promising way to deter Communism without the "necessity of arousing the public ire" During the Reagan era the doctrine of counterinsurgency was extended into a wide variety of other politico-military and covert operations. The Vietnam War inspired a deep seated public resistance to protracted US military involvement abroad.

Mr. president.. what was happened in the past will subject to history judgment and its not your responsibility and not your administration s sins. But concern what happen now, especially, what crimes are going on in Kurdistan by the hand of Turkish Fascist authority, without any doubt, you will carry a great responsibility . Do you know why? Because you are the closest allied of the most criminal state in the world (Turkey). This member of NATO which exploited the present situations in the area and the fighting operations of other members of NATO in Libya, to continue in its most brutality attack on the Kurdish people by burning , killing, destroying without any differences between innocent people and the Kurdish guerilla. Only during the 1990th, more then 4000 Kurdish villages razed and 3000000 millions Kurds displaced from Kurdish provinces, practicing the principles " take the sea a way from the fish", the social and economical life of these millions destroyed and still now they live in a great deviance in the slum areas of big cities are inadequate housing, malnutrition, and a lack of clean drinking water and sewage systems. People suffering from undernourishment are weak and often die of diseases whose treatment is routine in other parts of the world.

Mr. president, you know very well that the republic of Turkey is established on the ruins of Ottomans empire, and passed through a process of destruction its ethnic minorities by genociding the Armenians and ethnociding the Kurdish , the tow most ancient peoples in the Middle east. The Turkish state that founded on genocide still now denying its genocide of Armenians and still continuing ethnocide of Kurdish by many occupational policy. By many methods and many weapons including " low-intensity warfare " and M-60 tanks, F-16 fighter-bombers, Cobra helicopter gunships, and Blackhawk "slick" helicopters, and hundreds of armament companies, All these methods and weapons are from you Mr. obama (USA). From 1987 to 1991 Turkey bought 77 % of its weapons from the US; between 1991 and 1993, when the counterinsurgency war escalated, this percentage increased to 80 %. You supported Turkish state during the cold war and still now militarily, diplomatically, economically.. etc to reinforce its army and its suppression security forces. Despite the reality that the American weapons is used in the operation of "ethnociding" and destruction the Kurdish peoples. The United state of America is a Turkish partner in Kurdish mass killing process. Because you kept silence about all these dirty crimes against innocent people. Easily ,You may tell us some pretexts for that : bilateral relationship with Turkey, Turkey was a cornerstone in the strategy of cold war against Soviet state, PKK is a Marxist-Leninist organization, and finally, the "pragmatism" of the foreign policy of USA that protect you from any questioning about your immorality and feeling of fault. I dont talking about humanity, because the hypocrisy and duplicity are the characters of forging policy of every western stat and their slaves like the Fascist Erdugan, the prime minister of Turkey. In the time that he is crying for the Syrians ,Palestinian, and Somalian children's, he eliminate Kurdish infants and children's, by napalm and weapons of mass destruction. The Turkish mass killing in "Kurtak" village in southern Kurdistan is a live example for the Turkish state brutality and its ethnocide against Kurds.

Mr. president..
we dont want to appeal for your help or beg your mercy, because the Kurdish peoples proved their historical resistance against the Turkish ethnocidcal process and the other criminal regimes like theocracy in Iran and Syria , they will complete the journey towards liberty and self-determination depending on themselves. The purpose of this letters to remembers you some facts that will be very important to the vital interests of USA in this area :

- The American supporting of Turkish criminal process, especially, Kurdish ethnocide, lead to provoking the anti-American feeling among the Kurdish young peoples, and this may be exploited by the enemies of the USA (treorist groups and Iranian regime).
- Kurdistan workers party (PKK) is a patriotic, national, secular and a democratic organization, its guerilla are fighting for Kurdish freedoms against the terror of Turkish state and its suppression and oppression policy. This organization is a political leader of Kurdish democratic issue in north Kurdistan. Its strive for Kurdish national rights in the framework of a Multi-national and democratic Turkey. PKK may play a great role in secularizing and democratization process now and in the futures. For this, its existence is not only very importance, but also necessary. Especially, PKK now is ready to disarm its fighter if Turkey stooped its ethnocide policy and accept to step seriously towards political solution of Kurdish Issue. For that. The military choice is the idiotic one that escalate the disorder because the PKK is not such kind of organization to eliminate by force. PKK guerillas are not lives only on the zenith of Kurdish mountains, but its also lives in the heart of Kurdish people, they lives in every Kurdish cities, in the most of Turkish cities, and may be in USA.

- since your directly involvement in the area after the second gulf war and paying a grate number of American sacrifices to guarantied the USA interests, the Iranian regime exploited all your strategic political and military mistakes to implement its interests, and only because of that, Iranian now achieved its supremacy in a grate part on the area. By that, any attempt to uproot PKK from Qandils mountain exploited by Iranian to make this lofty mountains a camp for anti-American terrorists, and the question her is do you want really Qandil to be another Wazirstan. I dont think any wise American president allow this mockery to happen.

Southern Kurdistan
University of Sulaimany

نووسەرەکان خۆیان بەرپرسیارێتی وتارەکانی خۆیان هەڵدەگرن، نەک کوردستانپۆست

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