Wednesday, 08/06/2011, 12:00
To: Honorable Secretary General of the United Nations Ban-KI-moon
Office of the Secretary-general
885 Second Avenue
New York, N.Y. 10017
This week Mr. Simonovic has visited Iraqi Kurdistan and had meeting with Mr. Massud Barzani, the president of Iraqi Kurdistan region and some other officials in Kurdish Regional Government (KRG). As KRG media has claimed that Mr. Simonovic expressed his delightment with the security situation in Iraqi Kurdistan and also appreciated Kurdistan Regional Government concern about human rights as it show in this link in Kurdish language:
We would like to know if what Mr. Simovovic is claiming regarding KRG is true or not because it is very clear and oblivious that it is not true and the reports of human right watches and other reports from reporters without borders, amnesty international and other international human right organizations regarding freedom of expression and democracy in Iraqi Kurdistan are proving totally opposite.
For us as Kurdish people, it seems to be that the KRG 's mass media is trying to spread lies and propagandas among Kurdish people under the name of UN or officials like Mr. Simonovic saying UN is supporting Barzani and Talabani brutal regime.
The events in last few months shows that the KRG and Mr. Barzani and Mr. Talabani and their political parties by killing peaceful demonstrators, and arresting journalists and reporters, that they are the same the dictatorial regimes as Gaddafi or Mubarak.
Since February 17th, 2011 , Barzani and Talabani regime has killed 10 people and injured more than 200 people . The reason of the demonstration of Kurdistani people is that two mafia families are controlling and running every aspect of Kurdish peoples life since 1991 and creating a very corrupted regional government called Kurdish Regional Government(KRG) due to lack of rule of law, nepotism, scandals and bribery system which you can only see in the dictatorial systems in the world and also spread fear and punishment for whoever try to bring a democratic process to the region same as Saddam regime.. These two mafia families are Barzani and Talabani.
With no functioning judicial system in place, political party members and representatives go about their business free from prosecution including confiscating and stealing the property of people public and also thousands innocent women have been killed under name of honor killing under both Barzani and Talabani Families.
These two families of Barzani and Talabani own everything in the region or owned by their associated in their parties (Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) led by Jalal Talabani and Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) led by Masud Barzani. They imprison, torture or kill those who have different sets of beliefs, holding different opinions or conduct different functions or write in a different manner that are not agreed by both families. They create an atmosphere of fear and terror among people if not accept them or not vote for them to be elected. Both party has its own militiamen called Peshmarga and tied to Barzani and Talibans families.
There was a misconception that Iraqi Kurdistan is a model for the rest of Iraq with regard to Democracy and human rights which has been claimed by these two corrupted families and Kurdish Regional Government. But the realty proves the opposite and Iraqi government and Iraqi parliament are far ahead of Kurdish Regional Government with those regards.
There is no accountability and responsibility by those two mafia families towards people of Kurdistan and welfare of human being in Iraqi Kurdistan and millions dollars disappear everyday by Barzani and Talabani families and their members of their parties - PUK and KDP. Both families are among the richest families in the world. The budget comes from Iraqi government for this region, both two families and their high ranking members of PUK and KDP sharing the budget among them and only very little they use for the region. There is absolutely no transparency in the budget and in daily affairs by KRG. Unfortunately life of Kurdistan people under Kurdish Regional Government has been worsening day by day.
In simple term, there is a clan of thieves and warlords are running Kurdish Regional Government and they do not have any respect or regards to internal and international law and they rely on their militiamen to do whatever they want to do without any accountability.
We call upon the international community, United Nations, human rights organizations and the democratic countries all over the world to stand up with the Kurdish people in South Kurdistan (Iraqi Kurdistan) to save Kurdish people from these two mafia families.
We are hopeful in the international community and United nation will understand the scale of tragedy and misery these two mafia families have brought to the Kurdish people and to come to save Kurdish people by having a fair election in South Kurdistan as soon as possible and without any involvement by these two families militiamen, and without any intimidation and fear and also under the supervision of international community and United nation.
Best regards from Kurdish people in Iraqi Kurdistan
Yours truly,
Kurdistan Post on behalf of Kurdish people
2- ریپۆرتاژهکهی لڤین:الپلاپاو، 7 حزيران/يونيو 2011
في الأمم المتحده يحپ على إجراوات أقوى لحمايه المدنيين العراقيين
بغداد/ جنيف/ نيويورك: قام مساعد الأمين العام
للأمم المتحده لشۆون حقوق الإنسان، إيفان سيمونوفتش، اليوم وفي نهايه زيارته إلى العراق التي
استغرقت 10 أيام، بحپ حكومه العراق على عمل المزيد من أجل حمايه المدنيين من
وقال "إنه من المهم أن
تقوم الحكومه بكل ما في وسعها لچمان حمايه المدنيين من العنف المستمر، ووچع أي شخس
يشتبه في ارتكابه أعمال عنف تحت مساوله القانون."
كما أدان سيمونوفتش حالات
الاختفاو القسري والاعتقال التعسفي والتعژيب المزعوم العديده التي تم الإبلاغ عنها
في كافه أرجاو العراق.
وقال "أحپ الحكومه أن
تكمل المسادقه على اتفاقيه مناهچه التعژيب في أقرب وقت ممكن وژلك لتكون إشاره جديه
على نيتها لمعالجه هژه المشكله." وأچاف "فاحترام حقوق الإنسان، بما في
ژلك أپناو مكافحه الإرهاب، هو فعل أخلاقي وعملي في ێن. فإن أدت المعركه چد الإرهاب
إلى جعل الإرهابيين شهداو فإنها بهژا تكون قد أدت إلى نتيجه عكسياً"
وكرر أن التعژيب محڤور
حڤراً تاماً بموجب القانون الدولي وليس بالإمكان التسامح معه تحت أي ڤرف من
ورحب سيمونوفتش خلال
محادپاته مع نائب رئيس مجلس الوزراو، الدكتور روش شاويس، ومع وزارتي الدفاع والعدل
ومع السحافيين وممپلي المجتمع المدني في بغداد، بنيه الحكومه وچع خگه وگنيه لتنفيژ
توسيات ێليات الأمم المتحده في مجال حقوق الإنسان. غير أنه أعرب عن قلقه فيما
يتعلق بحمايه المدنيين وتدهور أوچاع حقوق الإنسان للمرأه والأقليات الدينيه
والعرقيه إچافه إلى الهجمات چد حريه التعبير وحريه الرأي.
وفيما يتعلق بالمڤاهرات
التي تحدپ في العديد من أرجاو العراق، نوه سيمونوفتش أن العديد من مگالب
المتڤاهرين تركز على دعوات شرعيه لتحسين إمكانيه الحسول على الخدمات الرئيسيه وفرس
العمل وڤروف معيشيه أفچل.
وقال "لا يوجد حكومه
تحب أن تتعرچ لانتقاد وسائل الإعلام أو المتڤاهرين في الشوارع ولكن گالما أن
المڤاهرات سلميه والحكومه ديمقراگيه، ينبغي لهژا أن يۆدي إلى الحوار وليس إلى المواجهه."
وخلال اجتماعاته في أربيل
مع الرئيس مسعود البرزاني، ورئيس الوزراو الدكتور برهم سالح ورئيس برلمان إقليم
كردستان السيد كمال كركوكي، أعرب سيمونوفتش عن قلقه أزاو حمايه النساو وحريه
التعبير عن الرأي. واقترح على الحكومه تأسيس هيئه وگنيه مستقله لمراقبه احترام
حقوق الإنسان لكافه المعتقلين.
وقال "لقد تشجعت عندما
رأيت أن رئيس الوزراو، وهو أحد چحايا التعژيب- يدعم وبقوه مقترحنا لتأسيس هيئه من
هژا النوع. كما أن كلا من مكتب المفوچ السامي لشۆون حقوق الإنسان وبعپه الأمم
المتحده لمساعده العراق يقفان على أهبه الاستعداد لتوفير المساعده الفنيه لتأسيس
هژه الهيئه تماشياً مع المعايير الدوليه لحقوق الإنسان."
وزار سيمونوفتش سجن دهوك في
إقليم كردستان بما فيه جناح ێسايش كشتي حيپ يتم احتجاز المتهمين بالأعمال
وقال "بدت لي ڤروف
الاحتجاز التي رأيتها في هژا السجن مقبوله، غير أنه يتم احتجاز الأشخاس لفترات
أكبر مما يسمح به القانون خلال مراحل التحقيق الأوليه - وهژا أمر غير مقبول. ينبغي
تگبيق سياده القانون بسرامه وإلا فإنها ستسبح دون معنى."
وبسبب العاسفه الترابيه، لم
يتمكن سيمونوفتش من القيام بزياره مزمعه إلى معسكر العراق الجديد، المعروف أيچاً
بإسم معسكر أشرف، حيپ قُتل 34 شخساً خلال عمليه أمنيه في 8 نيسان/إبريل.
وقال "ينبغي للتحقيقات
في الأحداپ المأساويه التي وقعت هناك في نيسان/إبريل أن تكون شامله وحياديه."
وأچاف " ينبغي احترام القوانين العراقيه في معسكر أشرف لكن ينبغي أيچاً
احترام الحقوق الإنسانيه لسكان المعسكر ويجب إيجاد حل گويل الأمد يقر برغبات
الحكومه ولكن أيچاً يحترم الموافقه الفرديه لكل واحد من السكان فيما يتعلق بإعاده
نقلهم أو إعاده توگينهم."
الإعلاميه الرجاو الاتسال بالسيد فرد كيرونغي في نيويورك ([email protected]؛
+1-917-367-3431) أو
بالسيده رافينا شامداساني في جنيف ([email protected]؛
+ 41 22 917 9310)
Tuesday, 07 June 2011
official urges stronger action to protect Iraqi civilians
It is important
that the government does all it can to ensure that civilians are protected from
the ongoing violence, and that any person suspected of perpetrating acts of
violence is held accountable according to the law, he said.
imonović condemned
the numerous cases of enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and alleged
torture that have been reported throughout
As a signal of the
seriousness of its intent to tackle the problem, I urge the government to
complete ratification of the Convention Against Torture as soon as possible he
said. Respecting human rights, including while countering terrorism, is both a
moral and practical thing to do. If the fight against terrorism makes martyrs
of terrorists, it backfires, he added.
He reiterated that
torture is unequivocally prohibited under international law and cannot be
condoned under any circumstances.
During talks with
Deputy Prime Minister Roj Nouri Shawis and with the ministries of Defence and
Justice, as well as with journalists and civil society representatives in
Concerning the
demonstrations that are taking place in various parts of
Being criticized by
the media or by protesters on the street is something that no government likes
but as long as protests are peaceful and the government is democratic, they
should lead to dialogue and not confrontation, he said.
During his meetings
in Erbil with
I was encouraged to
see that the Prime Minister a torture victim himself strongly supported our
proposal to establish such a body. The Office of the High Commissioner for
Human Rights and the United Nations Assistance Mission in
imonović visited
Dahouk prison in
conditions that I saw in this prison seemed acceptable, he said. However,
during the initial investigation phase, people are detained longer than the law
allows which is not acceptable. The rule of law should be strictly enforced -
otherwise, it is rendered meaningless.
Because of extreme
weather conditions, imonović was unable to undertake a planned visit to
Investigations into
the tragic events that took place there in April must be thorough and
impartial, he said. Iraqi laws should be respected in
For media inquiries, please contact Fred
Kirungi in
+1-917-367-3431) or Ravina Shamdasani in
نووسەرەکان خۆیان بەرپرسیارێتی وتارەکانی خۆیان هەڵدەگرن، نەک کوردستانپۆست