کتێبی بیرەوەرییەکانی کاپیتان موحەمەد مەولودییان بە دەنگ گوێی لێبگرە (کوردبوون)

به‌ڕێزمسته‌ر رۆبه‌رت بێندتسن.. خه‌ڵاتی ئاشتی چۆن ده‌درێت به‌ تێرۆریست؟

Saturday, 07/05/2011, 12:00


ڕۆژی7/5/2011، پرۆفیسۆر رۆبه‌رت بێندتسن  Robert R. Bendeson ئه‌ندامی بۆردی زانكۆی تۆفتس Tufts University و ئه‌ندامی ئه‌نجومه‌نی به‌ڕێوه‌بردنی په‌یمانگای Institute for Global Leadership ی سه‌ر به‌و زانكۆیه‌ ، خه‌ڵاتی ئاشتی و چالاكی دبلۆماسیی به‌ "مه‌سعود بارزانی" سه‌رۆكی هه‌رێمی كوردستان به‌خشی.
کوردستاپۆست نامه‌یه‌کی ئاراسته‌ی مسته‌ر ڕۆبه‌رت بێندتسن Robert R. Bendetson و زانکۆی تۆفتس Tufts University کردووه‌ و داوای ڕوونکردنه‌وه‌ی لێکردوون ده‌رباره‌ی به‌خشینی ئه‌و خه‌ڵاته‌ به‌ تێرۆریستێکی وه‌ک مه‌سعوود بارزانی..

ئه‌وه‌ی شایانی باسه‌ زانکۆی تۆفتس Tufts University ساڵانه‌ پاره‌یه‌کی زۆر له‌ ڕێکخراو و که‌سه‌ ده‌وڵه‌مه‌نده‌ خێرخوازه‌کان وه‌رده‌گرن بۆ به‌ڕێوه‌بردنی زانکۆکه‌یان و یارمه‌تی خوێنکارانی که‌م ده‌رامه‌ت ویارمه‌تی ووڵاتانی دواکه‌وتوو..هه‌ر بۆیه‌ دوور نی یه‌ بارزانی پاره‌یه‌کی زۆریان پێشکه‌ش به‌م زانکۆیه‌ کردبێت و که‌سانی سه‌ربه‌ پارتی و بنه‌ماڵه‌ ڕه‌وانه‌ی ئه‌م زانکۆیه‌ کردبێت بۆ خۆێندن .
بۆ زانیاری له‌سه‌ر ئه‌م زانکۆیه‌ سه‌یری ئه‌م لینکانه‌ی خواره‌وه‌ بکه‌:

ئه‌مه‌ش ده‌قی نامه‌که‌ی کوردستانپۆسته‌ به‌ زمانی ئینگلیزی :

Mr. ROBERT R. BENDETSON gave peace reward to a terrorist Mr. Barzani

We as Kurdish people in Iraqi Kurdistan have heard that Mr. ROBERT R. BENDETSON gave a peace reward to Mr. Massud Barzani for his dedications to peace in Kurdistan and Iraq.

We are shocked and disappointed to see Tufts University and Institute of Global leadership of this university to give such reward for someone like Mr. Barzani.

Mr. Barzani is another Saddam Hussien in Iraqi Kurdistan. He is a dictator and in daily basis in Iraqi Kurdistan under his control and his secret agency led by his son Masror Barzani killing and torturing people for political reason. There is no freedom of speech under Barzani family and the demonstrations lately in Iraqi Kurdistan show that this family is worse than Saddam Hussein when it comes to suppress and kill innocent people.

In the last 2 months, they killed 10 innocent people and injured over 450 people during the demonstrations. People of Iraqi Kurdistan are in danger under Massud Barzani and his family.

Last year Masror Barzani , son of Massud Barzani, killed a very young journalist , his name Sardasht Osman, 23 years old just because he wrote few articles about Barzanis family and you can read this crime in these links;



Massud Barzani and his sons and relatives are in every position in Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and do not allow anyone to have those high powerful positions in the government..

They are controlling all the businesses and projects in Kurdistan. They are the richest people in the region. They are exactly same as Mubarak and Bin Alis families.

They are very brutal and also tribal and primitive and nobody in Kurdistan knows about his wife and his family.. They are very conservative and tribal and they are not allowing their women to be appeared in public.. Their women are like in prison in the their house and they have no respect for women at all.

We are so disappointed to see an institution like yours reward a terrorist person like Massud Barzani.

We are wondering if this rich tribal and warlord family like Barzani donates a huge amount of money to your institution since this family are very corrupted and stealing billions of dollars from Kurdish nation in Iraqi Kurdistan.

Please respond to us and let us know why an organization like yours reward a terrorist person like Massud Barzani.

We will let the USA Media know about this reward and it will be an embarrassment to your organization..

Yours truly

Kurdistan post


نووسەرەکان خۆیان بەرپرسیارێتی وتارەکانی خۆیان هەڵدەگرن، نەک کوردستانپۆست

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